
Facebook Ads

Facebook ads is a targeting technology which allows advertisements reach a specific audience. To appropriately target the right customer, Facebook includes traits like geographical location, gender, age, work, relationship status, and interests such as music, movies, shopping behavior, among others. Consequently, data generated from targeting, or ads being run, is called Insights. These deliver valuable results which can then be used to iterate and create better campaigns.

A connection icon
Datagran enhances the scope of these insights by implementing proprietary algorithms to the extracted data. ETL (Extract , Transform and Load) data.
A destination icon
Export recommended and lookalike audiences directly to your Facebook ads account. Create and launch optimized campaigns directly from Datagran's workspace.

Facebook Integration’s default settings automatically extract the following fields and breakdowns. To pull specific data, first choose Advanced Settings located inside Integrations > Facebook Ads Integration. Then, review Facebook Documentation here for the list of available fields and breakdowns

Facebook Integration’s default settings:

  • objective
  • impressions
  • spend
  • reach
  • inline_link_clicks
  • actions
  • [["age", "gender"]
  • ["publisher_platform","impression_device"]
  • ["platform_position","publisher_platform","impression_device"]
  • ["region"]
  • ["hourly_stats_aggregated_by_audience_time_zone"]


Head over to your Workspace > Project > Integrations. Click on Facebook Ads Integration.
Facebook ads integration
Enter the information requested, log in to your Facebook Ads account and click on Next.
A dashboard
Select Advanced Options to choose the Insights you wish to extract. When done, click Save.
A dashboard